Saturday, March 8, 2014

Computer Update

In computer class I have been learning a variety of different things to figure out what will work best for me. I have tried different computer programs that magnify the screen, read the screen and tells you what you are doing, typing and more. I have learned about Apple and Microsoft products so I can determine which I like best for future use. The computer programs that I have learned are ZoomText, Magic and JAWs. I have found that ZoomText will be the best fit for me, since it was designed for people with low vision lost. It is a magnification software as well as the ability to take a picture of a document to either read to you or create a MP3 file. It had helpful tools that I will put to use when I go back to school and a job that has a lot of computer work. I learned how to use an Embosser, which is a program that takes a document and translates it into Braille then sends it to the Braille embosser printer. It sounds like a popcorn maker as it punches out the Braille dots, it is a neat machine!

Check out my other class updates! for more information on assistive technology software.


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